Everything was going great… well, so I thought. After a couple of years of being in a relationship with this someone, he dropped a bombshell on me and just left. Left me with shattered dreams, insecurities and doubts and again, my health suffered with me, dealing with depression and anxiety. I had thoughts of ending my life, but I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my children and family with the aftermath of doing that. So I chose to tackle the demons. I still have periods where the darkness creeps in, but I can manage it better now.
I knew the only way I was going to get out of this hole was for me to climb out of it. No one could do it for me – I had plenty of people wanting and willing to help me, but I had to want to take the first step.
So in 2018, I set myself a goal – to do an event in every state and territory of Australia (there’s 8 in total), and #8in18 was created. Then I thought – why don’t I finish it off with an Ironman and go for my ultimate goal!
Ironman Western Australia was 4 days before my 46th birthday… I negotiated with my head and we both agreed that it was still within the original goal of completing an Ironman in my 45th year.
My “why” was to not only prove to myself that I was capable of anything I put my mind to, but that it could inspire and motivate others – people that struggle with their weight, people who find themselves at the back of the pack, people who are told they “can’t”, people going through hardships and mental health issues, people hesitant to take that first step. I’ve been one of those people too.

Physically, my body was not in a good way. My breathing was shallow, and my oxygen levels had fallen to 87%, and whilst I was sweating, my body temp had dropped to 34°.
But then I saw my children who had followed me all day and all year to finish not only my Ironman, but my #8in18. I felt proud – proud of myself and so very proud of them for understanding and realising what it takes to work towards something you want. That life-lesson is worth every blister, every piece of chaffed skin, every bit of sunburn, every aching muscle, every tough day of juggling work, parenting and training.

My Tri Club – The support of fellow club members was incredible. They ran with me, swam with me and rode with me – just to help me. They provided advice and motivation, support and encouragement. My friends are an amazing group, but having a community of people who share the same love of the sport is important.

Build your village – you will quickly discover who wants you to achieve and understands your ‘why”. You will need different people to help you with different components of your goal – the physical, the emotional, the spiritual, the mental. All are as important as the other, but they all need to come together as one.
Have fun and smile! Embrace your goal and the journey along the way. It isn’t always going to be a bed of roses, but it will be worth it at the end.
If anyone would like to get in touch and share their goal with me, I’d love to hear about it and help you achieve it.
Connect with Meagan on her FB page: The UnNaturalAthlete